How do you get a motorbike in a lift?

A question I was asked earlier today.
How do you fit a motorcycle in a lift?

I suppose it depends on quite a few variables; size of the lift, size of the bike and so on.

Here is a diagram showing the simplest method of fitting a 'Bike in a lift using the theory that: the bike (B) is smaller than the volume (V) of the lift (L) so: B = >LV.

(Click for larger image)

If you had any problems fitting a motorcycle in a lift, and this diagram helped you; I suppose you're welcome.

Now bugger off will you :)
Tonks x

Happy Face

I am getting a new iMac. Even better than MacDuff! He'll be going to a good home, my great Aunts; she's getting to be well techy for an "old" person.

I'm very happy.

Oh yeah. I'm also not very good at spelling. sorry.

Right I'll off. Need to think of a name for the new pooter.

Bugger off will you :)

Tonks x

I am a Teriible Lier.

So I lied. You can yell. I’m not going to apologise
There’s no excuse really. I just didn’t feel like writing proper articles or anything. I’m lazy : )

So here’s what I’m going to talk about today;
All the stuff I want to do right now but am probably not going to get around to doing.
I think lots of people feel like that, like there’s so much stuff they want to do but just don’t get round to doing it.
I have a webcomic slash graphic novel I’m planning, but I’m not giving myself a deadline. You see, the moment I have a deadline; I just can’t do it anymore. No matter how much I want too. It won’t be good enough, or I just can’t think of how to do it. It’s just one of those strange things.
I’m jotting down a few ideas for a romance novel I have bubbling in my head, but will probably never actually write.
I have file after file of story ideas and things that I want to do.


Got a couple of "new" pictures to show off. Might upload them the devART but prolly won’t bother.

Lookit:Quite old actually. Done in SAI last year.Done during New Year's "party".

Bugger off now, 'kay?

Tonks x